Support is ending for XP and Office 2003: How it will affect your Business

As you may or may not be aware all Microsoft support for Windows XP and Office 2003 will come to an end in April.

Due to the age of these products, Microsoft will no longer release updates or security patches and this has implications for businesses using the software …

How it could affect your business

Security Risk

Once Microsoft stops supporting Windows XP, it could leave your system vulnerable to harmful viruses, spyware and other malware. In addition to this, other anti-virus software may no longer offer full protection which could leave your data and information at risk.

Software Issues

Many software and hardware vendors will no longer support products that are running on Windows XP. In the long term this could cause problems as you find the software you use becomes outdated and less useful.

When support for Windows XP ends there will be an increased risk of system failure. Due to the age of hardware running Windows XP and a lack of supported software, your business could experience increased disruption.

How we can help

Businesses naturally want to get the most from their investment in Microsoft software so Ponticello in Torquay will continue to support Office 2003, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. When the time is right for each business, Ponticello can help with the choice of new hardware and software.

Summary and key facts

  • Windows XP and Office 2003 have reached the end of their 10 year life cycle
  • Support will be discontinued in April and after this date no further updates will be released
  • This could expose businesses to security threats and disruption of service
  • There’s no need to panic, but it’s important you start to think about upgrading